Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

Tips For Treating insomnia

Insomnia is a difficult disease to sleep disorders, for some people may have experienced events that are not mengenakaan this. Usually this insomnia suffered by the people who are elderly. The study will be undertaken Thomson (a Reuters reporter), said that the insomnia will continue to attack young people under the age of 45 years. This is evident from the increased consumption of sleeping pills by the younger generation from 1998 to 2006. "Insomnia, which is generally associated with elderly people is expected to continue to haunt the young generation," says Senior Vice-President of a health unit owned by Thompson Reuters William Marder as reported by Indiatimes, these studies reveal, the use of sleeping pills among young people increased by about 50 percent . Other results showed that young people aged 18-24 years are among the most frequent use of sleeping pills. In 1998, the number of users increase amounted to only 599 users per 100,000. Whereas in 2006, that number increased to 1524 per 100,000 in 2006. "It was very alarming to see that state, in which young people are supposed to be strong and healthy now many are experiencing health problems," said an expert at Kettering Hospital Sleep Disorders Center in Dayton, Ohio, Donna Arand. According to Arand, sleep difficulties experienced by many young people because sleep patterns at this age many are disturbed because of the many activities on campus or at school that requires them to sleep until late at night.

In particular, psychological factors also play a major role against the tendency of this insomnia. This is caused by a strain one's mind about something which then affects the central nervous system (CNS) so that the physical condition is always on standby. For example when someone is having problems complicated in an office environment, so if low psychological threshold will lead to compromise the physical hard to sleep. Here the factor of anxiety, tension, and uncertainty of life cause insomnia.

INSOMANIA occurs because the brain is easy to confuse your subconscious determines your biological clock.
This can be caused during hours of sleep, you often turn your brain to think. so that this habit is interpreted by your brain by changing the time for repose.
This can happen also when we are often moved around the country / region which has a striking difference in time.

ImpactOf course insomnia disorders will have a negative impact in the lives of the individuals concerned. First, it will reduce the body resistance so that the chance of emergence of some diseases. Because, man is created in such a perfect body - which naturally has set a metabolism that will affect the physical health. Physically and mentally healthy person would be if there is a regularity between wakefulness and sleep. Did not sleep also serves on the realignment of physical balance after so long maintained and work exhaustion occurs. 

Because the presence of sleep, the body will proceed to reduce the lactic acid that serves accumulated fatigue. That seems normal then if someone sleep when i wake up it will feel fresh again caused lactic acid has been terminimalisasi. Conversely, if someone is having less sleep then the lactic acid has not disappeared completely.
Second, insomnia will affect the stability of the emotions that affect activities of daily living. In this case if someone in the work environment, it will reduce the level of motivation, concentration, precision, creativity and productivity of its work. Similarly to other activities such disorders will experience in teaching and learning, completing assignments, and social interaction. Even the effects of insomnia will make it easier for someone to suffer from stress. It stands to reason, because as was said above that insomnia is only a symptom appearance from the outside that someone has a disease that must be treated (the journal Psychology Today, June 1986).

In the end, to answer a case of insomnia, there are several things suggested to be done.

  • insomniacs should go to the doctor first. It is very important to detect whether the disorder in question has a physical illness affecting sleep disturbances. Because as said above that there are certain physical illnesses that cause insomnia. If so then the treatment is done with physical therapy.
  • not easy to use sleeping pills without a doctor's recommendation is based on. If this is done then it will remain resistant insomnia. In this case the therapist to keep in mind that it always tries to avoid the use of drugs. Therefore, the use of sleeping pills is often only as a temporary relief, so if it runs out of validity then they will return insomnia.
  • avoid consuming illicit goods, a kind of liquor, narcotics, etc.. Because it would interfere with organ function and normal eat or drink is reasonably good from the quality, quantity, or time. Avoid drinking coffee just before bedtime, because coffee contains elements that stimulate nerve kofein to have trouble sleeping. Avoid eating too full or too little, because it will cause the stomach to respond abnormally.
  • Arrange the bedroom environment effectively and efficiently, including bedside lamps are eligible. For certain environmental conditions, such as noise, light is very bright, will disturb the concentration of sleep.
  • Have a regular sleep schedule and rational. Not have to force / target must be able to sleep at the time, is actually burdening your mind.
  • Do not sleep with the conditions you're hungry, so it will make you wake up later just to find food.
  • Trust at the time you wake up in alarm clock kamu.Dengan often looked at the clock in the room will affect the emotional reaction. can make the body feel depressed and could not even sleep.
  • Light exercise 6 hours before bedtime.Aerobic exercise for 20 minutes can increase body temperature and metabolism and will decrease again about 6 hours later. Decrease in metabolism and body temperature can be allowed to sleep soundly.
  • if the patient has to know that insomnia indeed cause problems in your life is different then the first finish perfectly. Think rationally that "all the bodies contained entity" man must have a problem. Face it and solve the problems of life in proportion to the full effort, patience and resignation.
  •  if going to sleep then do a strong intention and physical relaxation relaxed.
  • Before bed, remember to pray because it could be as a means of meditation for you too.

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